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Japanese face massage "Zogan"

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Japanese face massage "Zogan"

Because of the bright summer sun, you squinted, there were facial wrinkles in the eye area and on the forehead? You can get rid of them in just 10 minutes a day, using a unique Japanese massage technique called «Zogan».

This technique is based on smooth and point movements. Due to the point effect on the so-called beauty points, blood circulation improves, muscle tone increases, and due to this, the lifting effect.

Contraindications: Inflammation or diseases of the face, diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases.

Before proceeding with the massage, you need to cleanse your face with a special tool. Keep your back and chin straight.

Exercise №1

To complete the exercise, use night or daily cream. 3 fingers of both hands, index, middle and ring, placed in the center of the forehead. Gently pressing gently lead to the temples, stop at this point of beauty and push, then continue moving downward towards the collarbone. Repeat 3-5 times.

*The final exercise: with 3 fingers we press on the point near the earlobes for 2 seconds.

Exercise №2

Relieves swelling of the upper eyelid and smoothes facial wrinkles in the area around the eyes. Apply special cream under the eyes. Place the pads of the middle fingers on the outer corner of the eye, press gently, then gently lead to the inner edge of the eye and return to the outer edge along the surface of the eyelid. Repeat the circle 3-5 times.

*The final exercise: with 3 fingers we press on the point near the earlobes for 2 seconds.

Exercise №3

Place the index and middle fingers at the inner corners of the eyes, gently press, then gently move from the outer to the inner corner of the eyes, press the beauty point again and go down to the bottom of the ears. Repeat 3-5 times.

*The final exercise: with 3 fingers we press on the point near the earlobes for 2 seconds.

Exercise №4

Smoothes facial wrinkles of the forehead and strengthens the muscles of the upper eyelid. Place the index and middle fingers along the wings of the nose and move along the bridge of the nose, above the eyebrow to the temples, press on the point of beauty. Repeat 3 times each time increasing the trajectory: above the eyebrows, in the middle, at the roots of the hair. See the picture below.

*The final exercise: with 3 fingers we press on the point near the earlobes for 2 seconds.

Exercise №5

3 fingers of both hands, index, middle and ring, place in the center of the forehead and move in zigzag movements to the temples, press on the point of beauty.

*The final exercise: with 3 fingers we press on the point near the earlobes for 2 seconds.

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