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Conditioners for curly hair

Conditioners for curly hair

Who dictates the trends for hairstyles? Designers, fashionable glosses or trends in the modern fashion industry? And here it is not, the author of the most extraordinary, sometimes bizarre, but definitely beautiful forms is nature itself. As you know, the structure and color of the hair are passed on to us by inheritance. What hair we will have: straight, curly or curly is genetically predetermined, but the desire of mankind to control nature and modern achievements in the field of cosmetology make it possible to independently choose not only the length, but also the shape, color, texture of the hairstyle. And what is most paradoxical - beauties with straight hair want lush curls, and curly ones - to straighten naughty locks.

Why the hair is curled is explained very simply: if you look through the microscope in a cross section, the straight will have a round shape, and the wavy will have an elongated and curly hair, the elongated oval will appear. This occurs due to the formation of keratin fibers, the main component of the hair, the disulfide bonds of which are placed in one line for owners of straight hair, and for curly beauties in different directions, thereby forming bends. Due to this feature of the structure, hair can be easily wound with a curling iron and other hairdressing tools, make it easy to change the shape of the hairstyle, although this effect is short-lived. For a more lasting effect, curls are used, in which chemical reagents are used, first destroying the disulfide bonds, and then restoring and fixing the keratin base in a new hair position. Due to the heterogeneous, porous structure, wavy hair is fluffy, often tangled and split, so it is important to choose a high-quality conditioner for curly hair because you need targeted care, selected taking into account individual characteristics.

Inarima Cosme online store provides a wide selection of cosmetics of famous Japanese brands, so you can easily choose the best conditioner for curly hair. Plant extracts, amino acids and natural oils in the composition of hair care products are skillfully combined with nanotechnology and have a beneficial effect on the structure of hair:

  • moisturize and retain moisture inside;
  • prevent dryness and brittleness;
  • take care of the skin of the hands and head, preventing irritation;
  • restore the structure, fill the voids, reduce porosity;
  • smooth the cuticle flakes, thereby making the curls smoother, more obedient;
  • give natural healthy shine and mobility of strands without weighting;
  • fight with split ends and prevent their further stratification;
  • fixes the effect of permanent procedures and neutralizes the persistent smell of agents;
  • make curls elastic, but at the same time soft, silky, pleasant to the touch.

Why is it worth buying a Japanese conditioner for curly hair? Yes, because the country of the rising sun occupies a leading position in the world according to research results, the introduction of nano-technologies and the production of cosmetics for hair.

You can buy a conditioner for curly hair in the Inarima Cosme online store by doing a few simple steps: go to the site, select from the catalog, yourself or with the help of an online consultant, the necessary tool, convenient postal service, place an order, and the goods will immediately be sent to you directly from Japan. Take the opportunity to enjoy salon care at home.

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