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Shampoo for oily hair

What composition should have the best shampoo for oily hair

Do you want to buy a shampoo for oily hair in Moscow and see an effective result? Then pay attention to its composition, which must contain the following components:

  • coconut amide;
  • extracts from wasabi root;
  • orange oil;
  • natural extracts of licorice root, hop root, bamboo root, peppermint, chamomile, etc .;
  • components with antibacterial properties.
Any professional shampoo for oily hair should be very soft washing base.

What is a shampoo for oily hair better to get round

for the owners oily hair, there are contraindications. So, in the composition of the purchased shampoo for oily hair, in no case should lipid complexes be present. Shampoo against oily hair should also not contain ammonium lauryl sulfate and mineral oil.

But the presence of ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione and selenium, salicylic acid and nettle extracts, tea tree and eucalyptus will help determine which shampoo is better for fatty hair. These components will not only solve the problem of oily hair, but also cope with the problem of dandruff.

How to apply shampoo for oily hair

To effectively influence the shampoo on oily hair, it’s not enough just to buy a shampoo for oily hair hair - you need to learn how to use it correctly. First, try reducing the frequency of shampooing to 1 time in 3 days.

During washing, do the following:

  • use only warm water - hot water acts as an irritant;
  • massage the scalp for several minutes;
  • rinse only on the ends of the hair;
  • try to wash your hair in the morning;

Strengthen the effect of shampoo will help decoctions of nettles, cones, hops or burdock.

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