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How to choose the right face cream for autumn

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How to choose the right face cream for autumn

Cream for the skin in any weather is primarily hydration. As for moisturizers for facial skin today, the range is so rich that you can choose indefinitely. Pharmacies and shops are simply packed with various creams, serums and other products that promise everything from turning skin into young to super evening complexion.

How to choose a good face cream?

So what is the difference between a good face cream and its less effective counterparts? First of all, the composition. The ingredients of moisturizers are different, it all depends on the manufacturer, the class of cosmetics, and, accordingly, the price. Many buyers rarely check the composition of funds, but simply choose a label, often the one they saw in the advertisement.

Face cream from Japanese manufacturers - this is the complete absence of harmful additives and preservatives. In its composition you will find hyaluronic acid, the invention of the Japanese, which made the " revolution " in the global beauty industry, thanks to its unique ability to moisturize and instantly soften the skin.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural lubricant that is present even in the liquid of the eyeballs, helping them maintain their shape. That is why this substance is actively used in plastic surgery, to fill the skin of the face and lips in particular.

Cream for dry skin

A good cream for dry skin also contains other acids, for example, lactic and acetylsalicylic. These are indispensable ingredients if your skin needs smoothing and softening. Your skin will benefit from jojoba oil in the cream, because this component easily removes acne.

Before deciding which face cream to buy, check for the presence of glycerol and ceramides in the composition. Glycerol, also known as glycerol, is similar in action to hyaluronic acid. Glycerin contains fats (animal or vegetable origin) and sugar, which perfectly absorb and retain moisture. In addition, glycerol absorbs moisture from the environment and deep layers of the skin, while saturating the upper layer of the epidermis. This substance prevents the appearance of dryness and peeling of the skin, enhancing its barrier.

The presence of ceramides in the composition will help you decide which face cream to choose. Just as a special solution holds together the bricks of which the house is built, so ceramides connect skin cells. Ceramides are epidermal fats, which essentially form the skin structure, therefore their role in maintaining a natural moisturizing barrier is very important. Lack of ceramides leads to increased sensitivity of the skin to environmental influences, pollution and other irritants.

Any face cream from Japanese manufacturers must contain the above components, not counting the additional. For example, Shiseido Elixir Superior Lift Night Cream, Fancl Sensitive Skin Care Cream, Fancl FDR, Shu Uemura Tsuya. These and other creams, which have repeatedly proved their high effectiveness, can be found on Inarima-Cosme.com.

Shu Uemura Tsuya's cream for young facial skin activates the energy and strength of skin cells after 25 years, which slows down the aging process of the skin. At this age, as you know, you need to actively engage in care procedures, preventing premature aging and the appearance of other signs of aging skin.

Japanese face cream is your right choice, just pay attention to the composition.

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