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Products catalog


With the onset of spring, we hasten to enjoy the warm sunshine, forgetting that our moral pleasure runs counter to the effect that the rays have on the skin, thinned and dry after winter cold and frost.

Shampoo for hair - a means to cleanse dirt? This deep misconception is relevant today. High-quality, properly selected shampoo is, first of all, a full-fledged hair care from cleansing to hydration and nutrition.

Сегодня сложно представить современную женщину без макияжа. Собираясь на работу, женщины Страны Восходящего Солнца наносят легкий японский макияж на каждый день, максимально приближенный к натуральному. Внимание акцентируется на выделенные губы и глаза. 

Japan's cosmetics market is the second largest in the world after the United States. According to studies conducted by the EU-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation, hair and skin care products make up more than 2/3 of the entire Japanese cosmetics industry.

Natural cosmetics are made exclusively from natural ingredients or derivatives, such as extracts from flowers, roots, leaves, fruits. Therefore, the funds are fully or partially natural.

Supplements are biologically active additives, the intake of which corrects the presence of substances in the body in the amount necessary for normal active life according to age.

You probably care about the question: Why is the hair oily? Let's try to understand the origins of this problem. Excess fat on the hair can appear as a result of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, and is also provoked by some cosmetic procedures.

The desire to change the image in our nature, well, that's why we and women. As a rule, changes begin with a hairstyle. Every woman at least once in her life would like to be the owner of luxurious curls like Elizabeth Taylor or pretty curls like Nicole Kidman.

They say that to be truly beautiful and attractive, it is not enough to have a well-groomed appearance. A beautiful woman should simply shine with health and happiness from within. What is needed for this?