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fights against hair loss, dandruff
The shampoo delicately cleans and cares about the head skin
+29.45 bonuses for buy
EMS (4 zone)
Cost from 29 $
Surface (4 zone)
Cost from 19 $
EMS (3 zone)
Cost from 24 $
Prevention and cure of hair loss and dandruff. The shampoo delicately cleans and cares about the head skin, encourages the healthy hair growth, prevents hair loss, removes dandruff. It is suitable for sensitive skin of the head.
The shampoo contains:
- sea clay, which removes horny layer of the skin and fights against dandruff occurrence;
- sea salt, which contains many minerals, keeping water balance in the skin cells, strengthens the hair, provides with antiseptic anaplerotic effects;
- the extracts of healing herbs, which normalize the work of the head skin cells, encourage hair growth, remove itching and inflammation of the head skin, prevents from dandruff occurrence, provide with an antiphlogistic effect;
- squalene, which provides with antibacterial and softening effects;
- rosemary oil neutralizes external smells, prevents them from saturation in the hair;
- menthol relaxes the head muscles and nourishes hair bulbs;
- hydrolyzed protein of silk protects the hair, makes them shiny and glossy.
Apply some shampoo on wet hair, spread along the entire hair length, massage slightly, and wash away.
sea salt, birch bark, the extracts of milfoil, nettle leaves, coltsfoot, sage, rosemary, menthol, squalene, sea cla, hydrolyzes protein of silk, pantheon, tocopherol, retinol.
Классное средство, особенно в осенне-зимний период, когда волосы и кожа головы не в самом лучшем состоянии) Шампунь прекрасно очищает и при этом ухаживает, а натуральные компоненты в составе радуют своим многообразием. Что характерно, использование этого средства имеет накопительный эффект, чем больше пользуюсь тем лучше волосы становятся. Очень довольна результатом!
Замечательный шампунь, делает совершенно здоровыми и блестящими мои обесцвеченные волосы. Волосы растут значительно быстрее. Рекомендую этот шампунь!
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